You should notify your child’s college or university that you will use the Texas Tuition Promise Fund ®
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Also, once you have completed the Payment Authorization process, the college will receive an electronic notification that your beneficiary is using the Plan. Most Texas public colleges and universities will pre-credit your account for some portion of the tuition and schoolwide required fees required feesRequired fees are only those that must be paid by all students as a condition of enrollment in the college or university. They do not include course-specific fees such as equipment usage or lab fees, or fees related to your major or year of study. due if you are using the Texas Tuition Promise Fund. However, you should coordinate with the school to determine the amount of the pre-credit, if any, and you should pay any amounts that will not be pre-credited by the school prior to the payment deadline in order to avoid late fees or cancellation of classes. The school will bill the Plan after the add/drop period. The Plan will issue payment directly to the school. The Plan will pay the school within 30 days of receiving a billing from the school.
There will be no adjustments to your Texas Tuition Promise Fund account for hours dropped after the Plan has paid the school. Any refund under those circumstances is between you and the school, and no Tuition Units will be restored to your account.
What if the student received a matching scholarship or tuition grant from the Texas Match the Promise Foundation?
If the Texas Match the Promise Foundation awarded the student a matching scholarship or tuition grant in grades five through nine, the owner of the Texas Tuition Promise Fund account linked to the award must submit an Approval Request to Use Scholarship Tuition Units to request approval to use those units. The Foundation will work with the Texas Tuition Promise Fund program to disburse Scholarship Tuition Units as needed, up to the maximum number available, directly to the school’s billing office upon request.
Scholarship Tuition Units can be applied toward the cost of undergraduate tuition and schoolwide required fees required feesRequired fees are only those that must be paid by all students as a condition of enrollment in the college or university. They do not include course-specific fees such as equipment usage or lab fees, or fees related to your major or year of study. at certain Texas public colleges and universities ONLY. Scholarship Tuition Units cannot be used at medical or dental institutions, private or out-of-state colleges or universities, career schools or registered apprenticeship programs.
To the extent possible, available Tuition Units in the linked Texas Tuition Promise Fund account should be used before Scholarship Tuition Units.
Please note that scholarship account information is not available online. The owner of the linked account can obtain scholarship account information by calling the Texas Tuition Promise Fund program at 800-445-4723, option 5. Be sure to mention that the Foundation awarded the student a matching scholarship or tuition grant.
The owner of the linked account will also receive an annual statement for the student’s scholarship account from the Texas Tuition Promise Fund program.
Can I use Tuition Units for online or
correspondence courses, study abroad, or certificate courses/programs offered by Texas public colleges and universities?
Many Texas public colleges and universities offer undergraduate courses to enrolled students through online or distance learning. In most cases, Tuition Units Tuition UnitsTuition Units are the unit of measure used to purchase prepaid tuition. Generally, one unit represents one percent of the cost of tuition and required fees for 30 semester hours at the school that most closely matches the unit’s pricing structure. can be redeemed to pay tuition and schoolwide required fees required feesRequired fees are only those that must be paid by all students as a condition of enrollment in the college or university. They do not include course-specific fees such as equipment usage or lab fees, or fees related to your major or year of study. for these courses the same way Tuition Units are redeemed to pay for on-campus courses.